It's been a busy year for police officers and judges who, despite the challenges of the pandemic, managed to take several criminals off the streets.

Drug dealing, sex offences and attempting to steal the Magna Carta were among the offences that saw a number of people put behind bars.

These are the 10 most notorious criminals brought to justice in 2020 for crimes committed in Salisbury.

Mark Royden 

Salisbury Journal: Credit: Andrew Matthews/PA WireCredit: Andrew Matthews/PA Wire

Mark Royden was jailed for four years at Salisbury Crown Court after being found guilty of attempting to steal the Magna Carta when he tried to use a hammer to smash its security case on October 25, 2018.

Following a jury trial back in January, Royden was also found guilty of criminal damage to the display case, which cost £14,466 to repair.

The 47-year-old, from Canterbury in Kent, originally denied the charges.

Omar Ibrahim, Faruq Gafow and Leandro Silva

Salisbury Journal: L-R: Omar Ibrahim, Faruq Gafow and Leandro SilvaL-R: Omar Ibrahim, Faruq Gafow and Leandro Silva

The trio, from London and Kent, were sentenced in January to a total of 12 years and four months imprisonment for drug supply offences in Wiltshire.

Offences include taking over an address in Wilton at knifepoint. Silva also produced a package containing £750 from his bottom after more than 31 hours in police custody.

Gafow, 20, was banned from Salisbury for eight years. Ibrahim, also 20, and Silva, 19, were banned from Salisbury for five years.

Frances Pleydell-Bouverie

Salisbury Journal:

This "persistent" offender appeared in court nine times this year.

In July, Pleydell-Bouverie, of Anderson Road, Salisbury, was jailed for 10 weeks after pleading guilty to breaching a community protection notice and two counts of assaulting an emergency worker.

These offences were committed while she was subject to a suspended prison sentence.

Mark Archibald

Salisbury Journal:

Mark Archibald, 38, from Salisbury, pleaded guilty to assault by beating, wounding with intent and assault on an emergency worker after an incident on June 2.

While resisting arrest, Archibald bit one of the police officers on his arm, causing injuries so severe that they required hospital treatment and are likely to leave permanent scarring.

He was jailed for four years in October.

Kieron Cavanagh

Salisbury Journal:

In November, Kieron Cavanagh, of Elizabeth Road, Durrington, was jailed for two years and four months after making the "catastrophically stupid" decision to sell drugs to pay his rent after losing his job.

He was found with £450 in cash in his wallet. Fifteen wraps with a total value of £1,000 were found in his home.

A judge at Salisbury Crown Court conceded the 27-year-old got "caught up in the drugs web" but added he "must pay the penalty".

Mark Day

Salisbury Journal:

Mark Day, 33, of Moot Close, Downton, violently assaulted two police officers and a police dog using a catapult.

After stealing a Land Rover Discovery, he was involved in a high speed pursuit in the New Forest in which he also struck a pony.

In December, he was sentenced to six years and six months imprisonment and fined £170.

Anthony Mead

Salisbury Journal:

Anthony Mead, formerly of Barnard Place, Salisbury, was jailed for 20 months after he admitted sexual assault, actual bodily harm and two batteries at a barbecue in Trowbridge.

Swindon Crown Court heard the 44-year-old had 47 convictions for 158 offences on his record.

Last year he was jailed for 12 months for threatening to kill a shop worker after she refused to sell him alcohol.

Marcin Zdun

Salisbury Journal:

Marcin Zdun, 40, of Wessex Road was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum jail term of 34 years after the murders of his wife and daughter Aneta and Nikoleta Zdun.

The former supermarket worker had previously admitted killing the pair but claimed he had no recollection of what he did on the afternoon of June 1, when the murders took place.

He was found guilty of murder by a jury at Winchester Crown Court.