The Wiltshire Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has been recognised nationally by the Independent Custody Visiting Association’s for the high quality of its independent custody visiting scheme.

Wiltshire OPCC was presented with the quality assurance award by ICVA on Wednesday, November 29 at a ceremony in Birmingham.

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The ICVA is an independent organisation that investigates the visitor schemes of policing authorities across the UK with local volunteers who make unannounced visits to custody suites to check on the “rights, entitlements, wellbeing and dignity of detainees held in police custody”.

It is funded by the Home Office, policing authorities and police and crime commissioners.

The ICVA’s findings are reported to the Police and Crime Commissioners and Police Authorities who hold Chief Constables to account.

Mr Wilkinson said: “This award is a testament to the outcomes my office has worked hard to deliver to get the ICV scheme operating to a high standard.

“ICV schemes are an essential tool for ensuring transparency in custody, which is an area of policing that is often hidden. My office will continue to invest in these kinds of schemes to hold these operational areas of policing to account.”