THE president of Salisbury Soroptimists has handed over to her successor.

The handover took place at the group’s annual general meeting on Thursday, April 25.

Members were reminded of the activities and events which took place throughout the year, including the Making Our City Safer project, which won regional and national awards, incorporating Orange the World UN campaign to eliminate violence against women, the Annual Bra Collection, Gifts for Refuge Mothers at Christmas, Christmas Tree Festival, celebration of International Women’s Day and Her Salisbury Story which continues to promote the stories of women associated with Salisbury.

Salisbury Journal: Michele and JennyMichele and Jenny (Image: Salisbury Soroptimists)

Outgoing president Jenny Hair was thanked for her successful two years at the helm with loud applause and a bouquet.

READ MORE: Salisbury Soroptimists finish bra collection for the year

She told the club that she was pleased that her theme of friendship had paid dividends, encouraging members to socialise at meetings and outside. She was also delighted that the club had continued to work on important projects in the local area, raised awareness of many issues and raised funds for two charities.

Speakers from the two charities the club currently supports, Salisbury Women's Refuge and EdUKaid were each presented with £520, the proceeds of a quiz night fundraiser. 

Jenny handed over her chain of office to the incoming President, Michele Smith. Michele thanked Jenny for her outstanding leadership and hopes to continue to encourage social interaction as well as continue the varied project work for which the club has become known.

Michele shared how she wants to support members who come forward with ideas for projects, work with local Soroptimist clubs and ensure our club continues to grow in membership and influence locally.

More information about Salisbury Soroptomists can be found on the group's website.