AN artist has brightened up Salisbury Arts Centre by creating an eye-catching mural.

Michele Milledge, 55, spent 11 days between Tuesday, April 2 and Thursday, May 2, creating a mural in the entrance of the arts centre on Bedwin Street.

Friends, family and volunteers from Salisbury City Council Youth Groups, Mind the Gap (over 60s), Wiltshire Creative Young Ambassadors, as well as staff and volunteers of Wiltshire Creative, all lent a hand.

Michele, from Salisbury, was contacted by Wiltshire Creative having worked with them before.

She said: “I was really flattered to be asked – just wow! I have to do this.

“It started really subtle, and as more people got involved, it was decided they wanted it really bright. They wanted it to reflect the things that happen here – as it is a welcoming space.”

The mural is painted with vibrant colours, and pictures that reflect music, nature and community.

Salisbury Journal: The mural at Salisbury Arts Centre

She added: “It started as a big paint by numbers – every colour needed three coats.

“I have never done anything quite this large. To scale, it’s the biggest project I have done. I had to go at it with confidence as you don’t know until you try – but there’s a lot of nervousness.”

Michele works at Sarum Academy, having previously worked at Bishop Wordsworth’s School as an art teacher and art technician.

She soon plans to leave teaching to focus on her own art, such as shop windows across Salisbury. You may have seen her work at the front of Jas Hair.

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Michele said: “I love being able to bring ideas into formation. Sometimes, I wake up with an idea. Making it happen is just really fun. People go “it makes me smile” so it’s a really lovely thing to do for people.”

Cassie Dalby, Communications and Sales officer at Arts centre, has seen the process from start to finish.

She said: “It was really lovely experience to see someone come down to create something beautiful. It’s a lovely reflection of what the art centre is to everyone.”

Salisbury Journal: Michele Milledge created a mural at Salisbury Arts Centre

The mural will be available for all to see at the upcoming Salisbury International Arts Festival, from Sunday, May 26 – Sunday, June 9, with shows including "Fault Lines", "Barbara Nice," and "Shirley Smart Trio" taking place at the Arts Centre.

Michele continues to create artwork across Salisbury and urges any businesses interested to get in touch: “Just talk to me. We can really display what the shop is about. A lot of people don’t use their space – and it just makes people look again.”

To buy tickets for the festival, visit:, and for further information about Michele's work, visit Michele Millidge Art on Facebook.