A sweet shop on Salisbury’s High Street which closed unexpectedly has stated that a new shop is to open on the premises.

Hardy’s Sweet Shop, near the Cathedral, was found to have shut on Tuesday, June 4, after a sign was put up on the door which said: 'Permanently closed' and the shelves were visibly bare.

READ MORE: Hardys Original Sweet Shop in Salisbury closes permanently

The “closed” note has been replaced by a sign that reads: “To our dear customers. Thank you all very much for your support and friendship over the years…

Salisbury Journal:

“It has been a pleasure getting to know so many of you and watching your families grow, either as Mr Simms/Hardy’s.

“We have enjoyed being part of the local community… thank you, we wish you all the best!”

Salisbury Journal:

The shop was formerly known as Mr Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe and was located on Blue Boar Row.

The note added at the bottom “Watch this space for exciting news on who will be in the premises very soon.”

A planning application has been added to the window to amend part of the building to residential but maintain the rest as retail space.